This is my business development group where I help and support you to grow your Forever Living business.
I started this team in 2015. It's a fabulous mix of personalities from a broad range of backgrounds. It is fun, supportive and an encouraging group of individuals with a common goal to improve their life and their families future.
The Chinese Bamboo tree takes fives years to grow. The ground has to be watered and fertilised every day until it breaks through the ground. Once it breaks through, it grows 90 feet tall in five weeks. But anytime this stops — the watering, fertilising and nurturing, the bamboo would die in the ground. This is the same as your dreams. Some people stop because they don't see results instantly. You have to keep watering your dreams. Because you're building the roots of your dream, you're building your foundation. And the person you become when you build on your dream is an important process too — it helps you build a solid belief.
I built Team Bamboos to help you and your dreams take root, to cheer you on, and to support and help as you rise.
What You Get
You decide what you want to achieve and I help you. With goal setting and guidance I will help you realise your potential. I mentor and support you through the process to become the best version of yourself and grow to the extent that you desire to achieve your dreams as I have done.
I work in different ways with different people because everyone's goals are different. But here's some of what you can expect.
What's important to you
Everything starts with a planning session where we discover what's important to you. Sometimes this can take time to get clear on your goals. We will catch up as many times as it takes for you to feel connected and excited about your goals.
At a speed that suits you
I explain the different activities we do to build your business and you let me know what direction you want to take. We schedule a plan of activities to do together. You earn as you learn!
Some people want a small top up income. That plan might not include a whole lot of action. Another person might be aiming for a six figure income which will require a lot more action and us working closer together. We take it at a speed that suits your life.
So you grow into the person you need to be to achieve your goals
A big focus will also be on personal development, I am really passionate about helping people to realise their potential and dream bigger — supporting and guiding them to grow into the person needed to achieve their goals. I will also plug you into our team bamboo community where you get access to my proven system, tools and well recognised trainings. You are in business for yourself but never by yourself.
I started the business to earn an extra income alongside my job. I love to help people and whether it is by allowing them to access great quality products that benefit their health or supporting a person to make an extra income, I had this possibility here. Gina has helped me and still helps me to believe in myself and to work towards my goals.
I started my business while I was on unpaid maternity leave and worried about not having an income during this time. I was sceptical that I could make my business work as I was so busy with kids. But with Gina's encouragement and support I feel I'm well on my way to achieving my goals. Gina has a wealth of knowledge and is so willing to help that I never feel like I am on my own. There's always support and a friendly face to help me on my way. I'm so excited for the future of my business.
I joined this business because of Gina. She is so passionate about her products. I used them and started to believe in the products. I wanted an extra income during the time of the pandemic. Gina believed in me and supported me all the way through. There is a big difference with starting this type of business over a traditional business (I have a traditional business too). You always have support from Gina.
My passion is your success
Work with me and build a business on your terms.
Get in touch to find out more or join Team Bamboos now.
Gina Ryan is a global business developer, mom and wife dedicated to helping others live the life they want. She replaced her career with her own business working flexibly from home and around her little boy. She can help you build a better life through business too.
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